Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 73 | Aberdeen, Scotland

Lizanne, this awesome lady we visit, she is obsessed
with Billy Idol! she feeds us good food

Saw this outside a church in the city.. good one!

Things are going great with Tonitia, we were able to meet her with Jessica finally the other day and those two are awesome! Jessica just bore the best testimony and answered all of Tonitias questions with personal experience. It was brilliant! Jessica is doing great by the way, I guess I probably haven’t talked about her much lately, but she is now the YW president and is giving a talk in a couple of weeks in sacrament. She is so busy it’s hard to see her but when we do its always great!

So there is a massive vote going to be taking place in Scotland in a couple of weeks. It is a vote to decide whether or not Scotland will become independent! These last few weeks have been nuts, especially on the weekend. So many people out pushing their votes trying to get more on their side. There are huge YES rallies and stands with flags and loads of people in the city most Saturdays. Everyone gives us their opinions on it and I am just grateful I don't get a vote because I would have no idea what to choose. It is pretty cool though to be here in Scotland at this time though and get to witness all of the madness :) It’s a pretty exciting time for Scotland!

Things are good, life is great, I don't want to leave!

Love, Sister Hulet

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