Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Letter from President Brown

Dear Brother and Sister Hulet

Your daughter, Sister Lindsey Hulet, will complete her full time missionary service in the Scotland/Ireland Mission on 24 September 2014.   

Sister Hulet has been a good missionary and her involvement in the work of the Scotland/Ireland Mission has been meaningful.  We will miss her, along with her dedication and devotion to the work.  Many of the people in the areas she has served have had their hearts touched and their lives enriched as she shared the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.  Her contribution to the missionary effort has certainly moved the work forward, and will have eternal consequences.

You will find attached to this email a listing of the areas she has served, her companions, and her assignments.  Hopefully this will prove useful in helping you learn more about her mission experience.

Our love and prayers accompany her as she returns home to family and friends.


Alan H. Brown

Alan H. Brown, President
Scotland/Ireland Mission

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