Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 48 | Aberdeen, Scotland

All the old elders have carved in the table at the Wilfords when they
leave the area.. But I was the very first sister!! yeah!

Saying goodbye to the Alloa family :(

One last prayer

Sister Crawley!

Hello from the silver city!

Aberdeen is great! I love the city atmosphere and just being a missionary here! There are soo many different types of people from all over the world! I met more Americans than Scottish people at church yesterday! The ward here is HUGE! Honestly. Sitting in relief society I felt like I was back in Utah because there were more people in the room than I could count on my two hands! Which is nuts!

Sister Crawley is my new companion and she is amazing. This is her third transfer out and she is from Arizona. She sings! I feel like I am living in GLEE! haha she is a musical arts major and is going to be on Broadway one day! She has like the powerful stage voice and sings all the time! She has like show tune versions of some of the stories in the Book of Mormon. And still listens to and sings Christmas music. She is like awesome!
Now to go back a bit in the week to the sad stuff,

Saying goodbye to Alloa was hard. Really hard. We went to the Wilfords on Tuesday night to say goodbye. They got me some gifts and we took pictures. It was hard. We then headed off the Edinburgh with the ZL and spent the night with the sisters there. It was fun to be with a bunch of sisters all night, but then we headed to the mission home so sister gilbert could get her new trainee.. I was the only sister all day! So I just hung out with all the elders, we played uno and stuff. Then I got a lift from the Aberdeen zone leaders up to my new flat. It’s pretty nice.

So yeah, goodbye Alloa, hello Aberdeen. I will miss all the amazing people I met there, especially sister gilbert. She is doing great things though and gonna continue to kill it there! (oh yeah Mary went to church on Sunday and they had a very good lesson with her on Saturday, so that’s great! I will try to keep you updated with her as sister gilbert updates me)

Have a blessed week!

Sister Hulet


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