Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 47 | Alloa, Scotland - Going to Aberdeen, Scotland

Sister Gilbert kicked my football and it got stuck in the ceiling and I wasnt just going to leave it there so we came up with this brilliant plan to stack all the chairs up on top of eachother then I would climb them and rescue the ball.. it worked :)

Here is the Falkirk district! I am gonna miss these guys!

Mary's Birds

Clackmannan Tower


Well I am leaving Alloa! I am going to Aberdeen! It is a big city, loads of buildings and people so the opposite of Alloa! I have some pretty mixed feelings about this transfer.. Its all very bittersweet. Because I have heard so many good things about Aberdeen, sister gilbert served there, and some other missionaries I know, so I have always wanted to serve in that zone, but now I get to be in the city so I am excited! But at the same time I am absolutely gutted to be leaving sister gilbert and alloa. When I got the call I was at the Willfords and I put it on speaker so everyone heard.. it got really quiet and President told me he had a new assignment for me, my heart dropped! Everyone cried a bit and had lots of hugs. I really am going to miss all the people here. I have felt so much love from everyone! We had loads of calls and texts all day yesterday and even some today from people wanting to know about moves and saying goodbye. Sister Gilbert is staying here and training! She will be a dynamite trainer! I hate goodbyes.


So now a bit of a fun note form the week! The Noordas went to the states for a wedding and so they brought sister gilbert and I back some hidden valley ranch packets and taco seasoning! haha we were sooo excited at church when they handed them over to us! It was like christmas! A wee taste of America! Also, they had driven from Vegas to Provo, so they whipped out their phone and showed me pictures they took for me of Canyon View from the freeway, and coasta vida and the lighthouse when they stopped off at panda express.. haha it was very sweet of them. So weird to see some pictures of Cedar City!


We have had so many great lessons with Mary lately and she is coming to church this week! I am so happy for her yet so sad to say goodbye! Same with Barbara, and all of my friends from the Brittish Heart! I will miss all the great people I have got to know over the past few months. But I know Aberdeen is where I need to be. I love you all!



Sister Hulet x

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