Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 46 | Alloa, Scotland

So last week we went on exchanges. Sister Douglas came here form Dunfermline and Sister Gilbert went there. She got to drive the car! She was very excited, and I was very jealous. Every week I ask the ZL if I can drive and they always say no. One day! I am so close! :)

Exchanges were good. We walked loads, talked to a lot of people and got some potentials. The young woman came and brought us some cookies and a big bag of lavender, They told me to put some in my trainers cuz they are mingin! It kind of helped, but now our whole flat smells like lavender!


On Tuesday we taught Barbara before youth, and then got to stay and play basketball with the young woman. it was sooo fun! except we played on netball hoops instead of basketball hoops (no backboard) so it was a bit weird but still really fun. Again, Sister Gilbert is a baller! She was scoring left and right. I have convinced her to play some pickup games with me when we get home!


So moves call is this Sunday. I know, that was fast! These past two transfers have flown by! I am worried something is going to change. I mean, I like change, but I will be sad to see sister gilbert, or this area go. We have had so many good times here. Sister Gilbert has been pretty sick the last couple of weeks. She has like a chest infection so we are going to the doctor this week to hopefully get her some drugs. I am suffering from her sickness as well because we have to try not to laugh as much cuz it makes her cough worse. But after exchanges I realized how much fun sister gilbert is.. okay I always knew she was fun, but I have never been so excited to see a companion after a 24 hour exchange haha, it’s going to make moves ever tougher!


It was a great week, still wet, but it is starting to get lighter at night! So we have some more sun in our days! Have a fantastic week!

Love, Sister Hulet

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