Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 40 | Alloa, Scotland



Things are good. I don’t have much to talk about this week but I have pictures!

We went over to the Wilfords the other day and met one of their friends; She is from Ireland and taught us how to make pizza and homemade pasta. It was fun and delicious!

We walk SO MUCH. Honestly it has never been this easy to fall asleep at night. We like crawl into bed and are out solid until half six the next morning. I am so tired though!

We went to Sterling castle last week, which was fun. The missionaries in Falkirk came over with us and we went to Nandos then the castle! So I have a couple pictures from that to send you. Also, its nice cuz the zone leaders give us lifts to and from our meetings on Tuesdays in Edinburgh so we don’t have to worry about the trains and plus it’s like a sweet road trip of missionary music and krispy kreme doughnuts!!

Love, Sister Hulet

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