Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 41 | Alloa, Scotland

We got kebabs with Aimee and Jody after they came
on splits chapping with us!

The missionary board in the church

Missionaries in the Alloa ward and then Jody and Amanda!

Yeeh mine and sister gilberts faces in the one with the yw are great i know!
 its probably like my favorite picture haha. i dont know why.

Hello all!


So this week has had some great moments in it, but I don’t remember them all.

I forgot to tell you earlier, but Sister Gilbert and I have been volunteering at British Heart charity shop in Alloa. It’s so great! We meet a lot of really nice people there and it’s a great place to work. We mainly just are out on the floor helping people when they have questions and straightening the clothing racks. Nothing big, but it’s fun!

Also, I realized I haven’t told you about Scott. Which is weird.. sorry I am slacking in my emails.

Scott is getting baptized this week! He is 9 years old and we have been teaching him over the last little while. His dad is a member and they have us over for meals and family nights. They are really great and he is such a cute, smart, talented kid! He draws, plays guitar, and speaks French! And much more! His mum is so fun and she always makes these homemade peanut butter cups and I eat like a million in one sitting! They are so good!

Last pday was the best! We went into Sterling with the zl and the sisters and elders from Falkirk. We went to nandos to eat then went to play football in the pouring rain! It was so fun! Sister Gilbert has hidden football skills cuz she scored like a bunch of goals and I was so proud :) [cuz we were on the same team, if we were on opposite teams, I would have been raging!]

Oh I almost forgot: I AM STAYING IN ALLOA WITH SISTER GILBERT! we got moves call but it was the least stressful moves call ever cuz we both knew we were staying together. Its gonna be a good next 6 weeks!


Sister Hulet

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