Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 70 | Aberdeen, Scotland

Last week for pday we went out to Dunnottar castle and around Stonehaven. It was great to go back again because it’s been my favorite castle and Stonehaven is awesome as well! It was everyone else's first time there, lately i have been realizing how long i have REALLY been here in Aberdeen. I am known as the veteran in the ward cuz no other missionary has been here as long as me. Oh and guess what, I almost forgot, moves calls was last night and we are staying together so looks like I will be dying here in Aberdeen! I am pretty excited actually; I was hoping I would finish off here! All the elders are staying the same as well so that will be fun
Tanisha is awesome! We are teaching her now and she is just soo solid, honestly I don’t know why I am so blessed to meet Jessica and now her! She is so sweet and asks all the right questions! ah she is just awesome! I will update you more on her later

We had a really great week with a couple of new people and some good service opportunities. We are teaching a lady in Stonehaven now so we will be able to go down there everyweek! Things are picking up and we are seeing miracles every day!

Love, Sister Hulet

oh p.s I almost forgot. Here is a quick story for yous that happened to me last week:

So we were talking to the elders outside the church when I felt something crawling in my hair so I reached up to see what it was and felt a fuzzy wee thing then BOOM I pulled out my hand with a stinger sticking out of it! My finger swelled up and it was not too fun. It’s been a while since I have been stung so I wasn’t too happy! But my finger finally went back to its normal size and doesn’t hurt anymore. I hate bees

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