Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week 38 | Alloa, Scotland


Happy Happy Christmas


This email is a bit everywhere, and all out of order. Sorry.

Hello and a happy happy christmas! This was probably the greatest Christmas ever! One I will never forget, kind of hard to when it was IN A CASTLE! Yeah we got to hang out and have our Christmas dinner in a posh castle! Bishop's family from South Africa came for the holidays and so they rented out a castle in Dollar. We all pulled up and were like..what?! it was brilliant! We had delicious food and it was great to skype home and see the family! 

Christmas eve was great as well! Us and the elders went over to some members home and played uno.. i lost. badly. but its alright. it was still fun! Sister Gilbert and I pulled our mattresses out to sleep under the tree, we also bought each other some Christmas eve pj's and so that was fun!

On boxing day we got to go to members, have some mexican food, play more uno, then watch The Croods! It was such a great day! Basically just a great week!

Last week I went on exchanges to Dunfermline with sister Shead. It was crazy cuz that was my very first districts area, we were so close to Kirkcaldy and it brought back a lot of memories when I was there at the start of my mission. The sisters have a car there so it was way nice to get to drive everywhere! We got so much done! 

Alloa is going great and I already love it here. Sister Gilbert is fantastic. My mission is amazing. I love this church and am so grateful to be here in Scotland!!

Love, Sister Hulet

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