Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 36 | Alloa, Scotland

Merry Christmas next week to everyone!!! It has snuck up for sure, but I am very very excited for Christmas here in Alloa with sister Gilbert! We have a tree with gifts and we sing Christmas carols! ITS CHRISTMAS TIME!


Alloa is amazing! The ward here is way too nice! Everyone is so friendly and excited to do missionary work! They feed us all the time and even phone us to see where we are and what we are doing and if we need a lift anywhere! Sister Gilbert and I were a wee bit taken aback at first with all of it! But obviously its great!


White washing is hard. (for those of you who asked, white washing is just started fresh with two new companions in an area, so sister Gilbert and i just got thrown here and having to figure everything out for ourselves) We walk a lot! Alloa is pretty small so we can walk all over pretty easily. We have yet to try out the buses since we are just getting used to the Alloa and Sauchie area, which is where we mostly have been the last few days. I like it though! Good stuff.


Sister Gilbert is awesome! She is really nice and friendly, but is super funny as well! We just laugh and make the same stupid jokes all the time, so I think the next 6 weeks are going to be good! She is from Sandy Utah, she has red hair, three siblings, a brother in law, and one nephew! She likes good tv shows, movies, and talking in ridiculous accents.. so we get along quite well!


Our flat is pretty posh! High ceilings, fire place, soft carpet, and we found narnia.. its in our closet (there is a room in the back of our closet!!) I will for sure attatch some pictures!


It was way hard to say goodbye to everyone in Hamilton, (I will throw in some goodbye pictures with some members) but I am really looking forward to serving here in Alloa!


Love, Sister Hulet

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